Business Intelligence and Analytics
Graduate Certificate
Quick Facts

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The Business Intelligence and Analytics graduate certificate is designed for IT professionals, project managers, business analysts, and marketing analysts and researchers. Anyone involved in analyzing data to make business decisions will benefit from this program. The three-course program provides a broad overview of managerial, strategic and technical issues associated with business intelligence and data warehouse design, implementation and utilization. It covers the fundamentals of database mining, analysis, design and implementation with an emphasis on practical aspects of business process analysis and information delivery.
*Residents of some U.S. Territories may not be eligible. Please see our Eligibility & State Authorization page for more information.
The curriculum for this program includes:
This course introduces the student to fundamentals of database analysis, design, and implementation. Emphasis is on practical aspects of business process analysis and the accompanying database design and development. Topics covered include conceptual design of databases using the entity-relationship model, relational design and normalization, SQL and PL/SQL, web-based database design and implementation using Oracle, or some other modern Database Management Systems. Students will acquire hands-on experience with a state-of-the-art database management system such as Oracle or Microsoft SQLServer and web-based development tools.
This course will cover data mining for business intelligence. Data mining refers to extracting or “mining” knowledge from large amounts of data. It consists of several techniques that aim at discovering rich and interesting patterns that can bring value or “business intelligence” to organizations. Examples of such patterns include fraud detection, consumer behavior, and credit approval. The course will cover the most important data mining techniques—classification, clustering, association rule mining, visualization, prediction.
The objective of this course is to introduce you to Business Intelligence (BI) techniques and understand how to use them to gain insights into emerging social media technologies and deal with "Big Data." You will be exposed to managerial, strategic, and technical issues associated with developing and deploying Business Intelligence and Web Analytics Solutions. Topics covered include the principles of dimensional modeling, techniques for extraction of data (ETL) from source systems, data profiling, data transformation methods, data staging, and quality, data warehouse implementation, online search engine optimization, online advertising, web metrics, and social media analytics.