Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science
Quick Facts

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- Center for World University Rankings, 2024
University in Arizona
- U.S. News & World Report, 2021
Advance your expertise and secure a leadership role in developing the next generation of technological solutions in the University of Arizona’s online Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program. The program equips you with the specialized knowledge and in-demand skills to lead design and implementation across a vast array of industries.
Deepen your knowledge in high-growth areas like digital signal processing, high-performance computing, wireless communications, software engineering, and artificial intelligence. Design a personalized academic plan aligned with your career aspirations. Explore specializations in cyber security, network security, machine learning, and more.
Broaden your skillset by incorporating electives outside of ECE. Courses like Law for Engineers, Principles of Entrepreneurship, and Biomedical Informatics offer valuable insights and enhance your professional development. The University of Arizona's online MS in ECE empowers you to become a sought-after leader in the ever-evolving world of technology.
A Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering is required.
*Residents of some U.S. Territories may not be eligible. Please see our Eligibility & State Authorization page for more information.
Ten courses are required to complete this program. Core courses for this program include:
This course provides an introduction to the technical aspects of cyber security. It describes threats and types of attacks against computers and networks to enable students to understand and analyze security requirements and define security policies. Security mechanisms and enforcement issues will be introduced. Students will be immersed in cyber security through intense coursework, open-ended and real-world problems, and hands-on experiments. |
Physics of optical communication components and applications to communication systems. Topics include fiber attenuation and dispersion, laser modulation, photo detection and noise, receiver design, bit error rate calculations, and coherent communications. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term paper. |
This course covers the fundamentals of designing fully functional software-defined radio systems using a hardware radio peripheral and GNU Radio software. Students will use the provided hardware to implement and design core components of physical layer communication systems such as channel estimation, equalization, forward error correction, and modulation. |
Radar fundamentals: radar range equation, waveforms, ambiguity functions. Signal Processing: pulse compression, synthetic aperture radar (SAR)inverse SAR, moving target indication (MTI), pulse-Doppler radar, and space-time adaptive processing (STAP). |
The course starts with basic concepts from classical detection theory, information theory, and channel coding fundamentals. An overview of basic principles of quantum mechanics, including state vectors, operators, density operators, measurements, and dynamics of a quantum system, is provided next to make the course self-contained. The course continues with fundamental principles of quantum information processing, basic quantum gates, no-cloning theorems, and theorems on the indistinguishability of arbitrary quantum states. The next topic in the course is related to quantum information theory, quantum detection and Gaussian quantum information theories, quantum communication, and quantum key distribution (QKD). The focus of the course is then on quantum networking. The course continues with quantum metrology and quantum sensing. |
Parallel models of computation, data flow, reduction, rediflow, VLIW, Superscalar, superpipelining, multithreaded processors, multiprocessing, distributed computing, massively parallel systems, novel technologies, fundamentals of optical computing, optical architectures, neural networks. |
Shannon's approach to cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography, cryptographic hash functions, and public key cryptosystems. Authentication, key management, and key distribution. Wireless and network security. Graduate students will be required to submit a research paper. |
Earning your Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering will build core skills, including:
- Cybersecurity
- Electronic control systems
- High-performance computing
- Machine learning
- Network security
- Optical communication systems
- Quantum sensing and communications
- Signal and image processing
- Software-defined radio
Potential Career Paths
Graduates of the Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS) program will be prepared to pursue careers in the following fields: