Digital Retailing
Undergraduate Certificate
Quick Facts

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of all Higher-Ed
- Center for World University Rankings, 2024
The restructuring of the retailing sector has caused dramatic increases in the need for digital retailing professionals. The Digital Retailing Undergraduate Certificate provides you with the essential knowledge and skills to enter or transition into the high-growth digital retailing industry.
This certificate is designed to provide an entry into digital retailing careers, and the background entrepreneurs need to create and grow digital retail businesses. It is also ideal for working professionals with traditional store-oriented retail operations, merchandising, or marketing backgrounds who want to transition into digital retailing and e-commerce.
This interdisciplinary program is focused on digital marketing, management, website development, and programming within the digital retailing space.
The retail industry is evolving rapidly as consumers adopt digital shopping technologies, and omnichannel services are growing at lightning speed. By developing your specialized career training in digital retailing, you will be prepared to meet these changing demands.
*Residents of some U.S. Territories may not be eligible. Please see our Eligibility & State Authorization page for more information.
The curriculum for this program includes:
This course is essential for anyone seeking a career in the retailing industry in fields such as merchandising, buying, planning, retail marketing, operations, sales, and brand management. Topics include retail planning and control procedures, computing prices and markups, and more. Learn about current industry developments and practical business decisions that increase profitability.
Build critical skills required to identify market opportunities, change a process, and solve business problems. Explore the principles and methods of business research, use of shopper data, and commonly used business research techniques within the retail sector. Topics include identification of the research question, development of a research plan, market and consumer research methods, data collection, sampling, data analysis, and research presentations.
This course is a survey of digital retailing methods and practices for marketing products and services in direct-to-consumer business models. You will cover website and mobile design, digital authoring and publishing tools, e-commerce business models, electronic merchandising theory, terminology, resources, and practices.
Explore how omnichannel and multichannel business models can be used as a differentiator and increase the competitiveness of a retailer. Emphasis on digitalization of retailing, channel innovation, and emerging retail technologies.
Earning your Undergraduate Certificate in Digital Retailing will build core skills, including:
- Customer experience management
- Consumer research
- Retail mix management
- Digital shopping environments
- Consumer behavior
- Brand management
- Market analysis
- Value creation
- Business communication
- Digital design
- Web development practices
- Forecasting
- Campaign planning
- Problem solving
- Critical thinking
Potential Career Paths
Graduates of the Digital Retailing Undergraduate Certificate program will be prepared to pursue the following careers: