Global Studies
Bachelor of Arts

Quick Facts

Credits Required: 120*
Cost Per Credit: $525.00
International students on a study abroad program in Italy

Top 3%

Online Bachelor's
Program in the Nation

- U.S. News & World Report, 2025

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- U.S. News & World Report, 2024

College of Social And Behavioral Sciences
Program Details

The Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies empowers you to navigate our interconnected world confidently. This program cultivates both a deep theoretical understanding of global issues and the practical skills necessary to analyze, adapt, communicate, problem-solve, and empathize across diverse professional and personal settings. You'll develop self-reliance, leadership, and teamwork skills through interdisciplinary study, preparing you to assume leadership roles in workplaces and communities shaped by global forces.

The University of Arizona, recognizing the increasing importance of global education as highlighted by organizations like the American Council on Education and the Association of American Colleges and Universities, has dedicated the past two decades to expanding its global reach. This commitment reflects the growing demand across corporate, governmental, and non-governmental sectors for professionals who thrive in a globalized environment. To further enhance classroom learning, this major actively encourages and supports a variety of co-curricular and alternative educational experiences.

If you're driven to understand our interconnected world more deeply, examine global phenomena from multidisciplinary perspectives, identify and assess global trends, and aspire to a career in international service, then the Global Studies BA may be the perfect path for you.

  • All Global Studies students are required to complete an International Immersion experience, which can be fulfilled by studying abroad, completing two additional semesters of a second language, or completing an internship with an international focus.
  • Minor or second major in a second language or area studies program required. 

*Residents of some U.S. Territories may not be eligible. Please see our Eligibility & State Authorization page for more information.


The curriculum for this program includes:

This course explores how processes of globalization have impacted nation-states, government institutions (both government and non-governmental), social roles and values, cultural belief systems, and economic exchange. Focus on modes of inquiry and domains of knowledge in the social sciences. The course promotes critical inquiry of globalization.

You will be introduced to the orders of meaning and power that influence human living and working conditions, as well as the capacity of human beings to alter those conditions. This course is a combination of lectures, readings, films, class discussions, and exercises that will familiarize students with approaches to global problems in applied anthropology and the solutions proposed by the discipline.

This course surveys and compares major world regions, focusing on how global processes, regional interconnections, and local geographic conditions create distinctive regions and landscapes.

Study the international system, its actors and their capabilities, ends, and means of foreign policy; international tension, conflict, and cooperation.

This course explores how to address ethics of communication and how to navigate opportunities and challenges presented when writing business correspondence. You will engage in rhetorical analysis, research, persuasion, reflection, and revision in professional contexts. Write a variety of workplace genres, including emails, memos, proposals, resumes, cover letters, white papers, and digital web spaces.

This is an introductory course in the fundamentals of modern statistics with applications and examples in the social and behavioral sciences. Topics include methods for describing and summarizing data, probability, random sampling, estimating population parameters, significance tests, contingency tables, simple linear regression, and correlation.

This course will teach you to produce multimedia projects using a rhetorical lens. You will become familiar with and produce multimedia projects with the following applications: Adobe Express, Photoshop and/or Illustrator, Rush and/or Premiere Pro, XD and/or Dreamweaver.

This is a culminating experience for majors involving a substantive project demonstrating a synthesis of learning accumulated in the major, including broadly comprehensive knowledge of the discipline and its methodologies. Senior standing is required.



Earning your Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies will build core skills, including:

  • Business development
  • Customer service
  • Data analysis
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Planning
  • Problem solving
  • Project management
  • Writing

Potential Career Paths

Graduates of the BA in Global Studies program will be prepared to pursue the following careers: 

  • Market Research Analyst
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Reporter/Journalist
  • Legislator
  • Economist
  • Historian
  • Political Scientist
  • Sociologist