Biosphere 2
Feb. 28, 2018

Learn more about Planet Earth and the discoveries made at Biosphere 2

Learn more about Planet Earth and the discoveries made at Biosphere 2 through this free online course.


Our planet is continuously opening new opportunities for discovery. There is always more to learn through Earth’s plants and soils, oceans and rainforests, moon and more. Planet Earth is a complex of interconnected systems, supporting an amazing diversity of life and feeding billions of people. It’s amazing what it can do! And how much more we have to learn.

Biosphere 2 is a great place to learn more about our planet. It is a large-scale experimental apparatus, serving as one of the world’s most unique facilities housing seven model ecosystems. Within the walls of this facility, active research teams of multidisciplinary scientists create controlled studies, work towards scientific discovery and discussion, and provide a research outlet for public education.

Now, this dedication to public education is extended into a free online course, “Biosphere 2 Science for the Future of Our Planet”.  The scientist in all of us can learn about Planet Earth and the discoveries made at Biosphere 2. In this course, you’ll learn about our planet’s natural systems and how our current knowledge of these systems helps us predict where we are headed in the future.

With over fifty videos available, it is the perfect opportunity for anyone interested in gaining novel insights from the team of Arizona  Biosphere 2 scientists.