Urban and Regional Development
Bachelor of Science


Quick Facts

Credits Required: 120*
Cost Per Credit: $525.00
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- U.S. News & World Report, 2024

College of Social And Behavioral Sciences
Program Details

Develop the expertise to address significant questions facing urban and regional growth in the BS in Urban and Regional Development program. Urban and Regional Development is the study of economic development and sustainability of our built and natural environments. This degree will provide you with the skills to analyze data, use cartographic and geographic information systems, and work in the field and remote-sensing laboratories.

This BS is a professionally-focused, applied degree program that focuses on population, economy and environment in four major areas: statistics and economics, core geography, methods, and an internship and capstone component. 

Together, the courses in these areas of study teach you how to analyze data and explore the uneven impacts of urban and regional development. You will also develop the tools necessary for making connections between urban and regional growth, demographics, urban sustainability, housing, real estate, and more.

Internships are integral to this degree. This is specialized work on an individual basis and may be held in person. Course credit and on-the-job experience can be earned in the private, public and non-profit sectors.

Students must have: 

  • 1st Year English or equivalent
  • MATH 107 or MATH 112 (or higher)
  • 2nd-semester second language proficiency

All majors in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences require a minor (or double major). We encourage you to seek out departments with courses that will complement the skills you learn in this program.

*Residents of some U.S. Territories may not be eligible. Please see our Eligibility & State Authorization page for more information.


You must complete four courses (12 units) from the core curriculum list which includes:

This course is an introduction to Sustainable Development is a foundational course in understanding the policies and strategies that constitute "smart" regional development in US metropolitan areas.

Learn analysis and modeling of the spatial structure of primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities; location theory and regionalization in economic systems.

This course focuses on fertility, mortality, and migration as agents of demographic change. Topics include fertility control and LDCs; working mothers and NDCs; aging societies; legal/illegal immigration in the US, population policies.

Learn basic concepts, objectives, practices and techniques of regional and industrial development as a professional activity, with emphasis on development problems and solutions.

This course explores location patterns in urban areas and processes of growth; historical development of US cities, rent theory, housing markets, commercial and industrial location, the role of transportation, urban finance, New Urbanist planning and sustainable development concepts.