Applied Humanities Degrees
How Does an Applied Humanities Degree Work?
Step 1:
Transfer Credits
Already have credits from another university? Submit your transcripts, and our advising team will review the coursework to find the right pathway for you.
Step 2:
Create Your Individualized Plan
How long does it take to earn an Applied Humanities degree? It depends. Build an academic plan with your adviser to create the fastest track to degree completion.
Step 3:
Get Career Ready
From a pre-internship course to a professional internship that introduces you to a career life, your core coursework will focus on skills and knowledge for a professional future.
Five flexible degree pathways. Apply your credits and finish your degree.
Is an Applied Humanities Degree Right for Me?
Applied Humanities degrees are so versatile that they could be right for just about anyone, but here are three indicators that this degree might be right for you.
Broad Focus
Do you prefer broader, interdisciplinary courses rather than traditional majors/minors?
Customizable Degree
You want a flexible degree program that lets you choose classes that are interesting and meaningful to you.
Still Undecided
Choosing a single field of study can be challenging. This path lets you choose where to put your efforts.
Complete Your Education
Ready to finish your degree? Request more information about customizing your path to completion at Arizona Online.